Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Demonstration Against Louisiana Tax Dollars Spent to Support Military Occupation

Tuesday, March 16, 8:00am

New Orleans World Trade Center (at Canal Street, near Harrah's Casino)
From the World Trade Center building we will march to The Westin Hotel at Canal Place.

On Tuesday, March 16, the anniversary of the day that US citizen Rachel Corrie was killed by an Israeli Military Bulldozer, The Louisiana Department of Commerce and the Louisiana World Trade Center are sponsoring a seminar called "Doing Business in Israel."

The seminar represents the use of Louisiana taxpayer funds to encourage local investment in a state that is currently intensifying an illegal military occupation against the people of Palestine.

As New Orleanians, we believe our money should be spent on rebuilding, not war and occupation. If Louisiana is going to encourage investment in another country, they should encourage investment in a sustainable rebuilding for Haitii.

Please let us know if you can come, or if you have any questions, by emailing nolaps@nolapalestinesolidarity.org.

More Information About March 16: Rachel Corrie, a human rights activist from Washington state, was 23 years old when she was crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer on March 16, 2003. She was working with others trying to protect the home of a Palestinian pharmacist from demolition in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Palestine. Her parents are suing the Israeli state for the murder of their daughter, and the trial is happening right now.

For more about Rachel Corrie, see http://rachelcorriefoundation.org.
For a recent news report on Rachel Corrie and the current trial, see: http://www.democracynow.org/2010/3/10/family_of_slain_us_peace_activist

Sponsored by New Orleans Palestine Solidarity, General Union of Palestine Students - UNO, and General Union of Palestine Students, Delgado.

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